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Profile data is sourced from various data sets. As people change roles or employment status at the University, the pages on this site are updated automatically. These changes are regularly scanned and republished every weekend.

Help with Faculty Profile Pages

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What do I do if I find incorrect people information?

    Most of the basic people information that appears on this site is derived from central University data sources. If you see that an office location, person's name, or phone number is incorrect, it will likely need to be updated in the University's Workday platform.

    University faculty members should visit the Faculty Help section for more details on how to update specific other aspects of their profiles, such as the content that appears within accordions associated with a profile page.

    Certain fields are managed within the People Site directly. This includes a Profile Image, the "Biography/About Me" summary region, and various other accordions such as the "Related Links" accordion. University areas have designated People Profile Managers who can update, edit, correct that information.

    In general, if you find incorrect information, it is best to contact the appropriate People Profile Manager first, who can help you determine next steps.

  • I found someone who is not supposed to appear. What do I do?

    Typically, individuals who leave the University are automatically removed as their records change behind the scenes. However, sometimes Web site managers need to re-publish pages so that listings are updated to match the latest data. If you find someone who is not supposed to appear, notify us by submitting a notification, e-mailing us at, or by calling 305-284-1600.

  • How does profile information get updated?

    Most people information is managed by individuals themselves via Workday. Some updates in Workday require specific HR approvals, so individuals should contact their HR representative for assistance. The People site regularly receives updated core information. Some profiles are set to not update automatically for various reasons. In these circumstances, a People Profile Manager can help.

    Much of what appears on pages for Faculty members is drawn from Faculty Success. Faculty members can edit that material and it will be updated online the following day. For assistance, visit the Faculty help pages.

  • How do people lists on various pages get updated?

    Various pages containing lists of people from various University areas are most commonly curated automatically using the data associated with each person. In some cases, additional curation is required by respective People Managers for different University areas.

  • Who can edit my profile?

    Only employees themselves or their respective human resources representative can edit the basic personal information that comes from Workday. In addition, faculty members can edit the material that appears on their profiles via Faculty Success. Learn more about that here.

    In addition, some information on profile pages are managed by People Profile Managers, who are designated individuals who work with each University area to make specific other changes.

    Basic information on your profile such as honorifics (Mr. Mrs. Ms., Dr., etc), first and last name, phone number, e-mail address, position title, and location all come from Workday and HR data. Changing the information in Workday will update the information that appears in the People Website automatically.

  • How often do updates from Workday get pushed to the People site?

    People site pages can be updated in a few different ways.

    1. The People site checks Workday data every weekend to update things like changes to employment status, name changes, and position title changes.
    2. The People site checks Faculty Success for changes within most of the profile accordions once per day. If you edit and update content in Faculty Success, those changes will be reflected on the matching people profile page the following day.
    3. People Profile Managers can republish a profile page anytime. For example, if a profile manager updates a photo that accompanies a profile page, they can immediately publish the page.
    4. Sometimes updates are made to the the People site when code changes are made to templates and other back-end systems. Those changes occur as needed and notifications are typically posted when publishes based on those changes occur.

    If you need updates from Workday published immediately, use our notification form, e-mail or call 305-284-1600.

  • What "people" are included on the People site? Are students? Alums? How about vendors and contract employees?

    All full-time faculty, staff, and administrators are included on the People site. Students are not included unless they are also full-time employees. However, in certain circumstances, additional profiles can be added to the People site in cases where consultants, vendors, volunteers, or other people should be added. E-mail for assistance.

  • If I leave the University, does my profile listing disappear automatically? What if my title changes, or if I move to a new position at the University?

    The People site only displays current UM employees as per Workday Human Resources data. Once the Human Resources data is updated to indicate that an employee has moved to a new position or is no longer with the University, the profile information will reflect these changes.

  • I work at UM but don't see my profile when I search for it. What if someone is missing in the directory?

    Under certain circumstances, individuals can be added to the People site in cases where consultants, vendors, volunteers, or other people should be added. If you don't see your listing appear in search, e-mail for assistance.
